May 9, 2024
| Matthew King
| News of Interest, Politics & Society
It was an honor to moderate the V.I.P. pre-screening of a new documentary film while sharing the stage with Jordan Campbell, Director of Ukraine Under Fire, and Michael Herbener, the film’s Editor. A film about war and resilience, Ukraine Under Fire is a documentary project of the COMMON Foundation produced by Ramro Global in association
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April 18, 2024
| Matthew King
| Op-Ed, Politics & Society
The fate of Ukraine mirrors the fate of Western democracy As the CEO of the COMMON Foundation and as a Marshall Memorial Fellow, I had the unique opportunity to travel to five European nations a few weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. The solidarity was and remains papable. We must not abandon our brothers
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June 12, 2023
| Matthew King
| Op-Ed, Politics & Society
While the debates on artificial intelligence (AI) often frame it as a potential scourge on human society that could destroy the planet and the human species, here is a counter-narrative that deserves urgent attention. In our preoccupation with hypothetical AI-driven apocalypses, we risk overlooking the tangible harm we are already causing our world and ourselves.
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May 26, 2021
| Matthew King
| Politics & Society
By Matthew Wilburn King – Features Correspondent – BBC Future – 26th May 2021 Why the Next Stage of Capitalism is Coming It’s done so much for human well-being, but it’s far from perfect. Will capitalism as we know it evolve into something new? Nearly 250 years ago, the economist and philosopher Adam Smith wrote
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July 24, 2020
| Matthew King
| Environment, Politics & Society
Good Morning Europe – Lena Roche, Euronews’ Editor-in-Chief interviews Dr. Matthew King. Why is it so difficult for us to change in the context of COVID19 and climate change? Story Description – Good Morning Europe Euronews’s Lena Roche has been exploring how changing conditions are changing lifestyles, but not necessarily changing attitudes in this
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March 8, 2019
| Matthew King
| Environment, Op-Ed, Politics & Society
BBC Future | Comments Analysis | Climate Change | Psychology Cognitive biases that ensured our initial survival now make it difficult to address long-term challenges that threaten our existence, like climate change. But they can help us too. We know that climate change is happening. We also know that it’s the result of increased carbon
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February 22, 2019
| Matthew King
| Environment, Op-Ed, Politics & Society, Videos
Op-Ed Daily Camera: Late last year, Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks put forward a development proposal for Wonderland Lake, a wildlife sanctuary located in North Boulder, that would have built structures on the water and throughout the sensitive wetland. An overwhelming majority of Boulder’s citizens rejected those plans. Instead, the community vocalized support for
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November 14, 2018
| Matthew King
| Politics & Society
I’m sitting at home in Boulder, Colorado, flooded with tears after reading a story in the Washington Post this morning: “Boy with cerebral palsy made to lie in a muddy creek as a human bridge for laughing schoolmates.” My older brother suffers a form of Ataxia called Spinocerebellar Type 8 (SCA 8). He’s five years older than
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February 21, 2018
| Matthew King
| Politics & Society
I went to the University of Colorado campus on a snowy Monday evening on February 19th to listen to Dr. Paul Carrese’s talk on “Tocqueville’s Philosophy of Moderation and America’s Need to Rediscover It.” Dr. Carrese is the Director of the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership at Arizona State University. His lecture covered
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February 8, 2018
| Matthew King
| Politics & Society
If you’ve never listened to U2, Luciano Pavarotti, and Brian Eno perform “Miss Sarajevo,” I’d highly recommend watching this video and listening to it now. This song was in protest to Slobodan Milosevic’s slaughter of the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s—eons ago for younger generations. It only took a few years for him to create the
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January 16, 2018
| Matthew King
| Politics & Society
America’s alliances strengthen our nation and our freedom I’ve traveled to over 40 countries on this planet and lived in five. The only sh*thole is Donald Trump’s mouth. On behalf of America, my deepest apologies to our allies and friends who live, work, fight and struggle in over 120 countries on Earth for the cause
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January 13, 2018
| Matthew King
| Op-Ed, Politics & Society
I’ve traveled to over 40 countries on this planet and have lived in five. The only sh*thole is Donald Trump’s mouth. His racist comments that African, Central American, and Caribbean nations are sh*tholes should disturb everyone. On behalf of the United States, my deepest apologies to our allies and friends who live, work, fight, and
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December 13, 2017
| Matthew King
| Op-Ed, Politics & Society
After Alabama’s special election to replace Jeff Sessions’ former Senate seat, the vote came down to the wire, and the Democratic candidate Doug Jones won by a narrow margin. I’ve never been so excited to use idiomatic expressions related to a horse when writing about politics. So, hold onto your riggin’ and don’t get bucked!
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November 23, 2017
| Matthew King
| Politics & Society
I’m only eating this single bowl of organic wild rice and beans on this Thanksgiving Day. Most Americans, however, will be sitting around the table with family and friends eating turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, and gravy with all of the traditional trimmings that come with this federal holiday established by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. While I’m
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August 23, 2017
| Matthew King
| Op-Ed, Politics & Society
As President Donald Trump defends white supremacists, white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Alt-Right’s detestable ideology and violent actions, Americans seek alternative ways to resist, protest, and renounce the hate-filled vitriol of the far-right Neo-Nazis in America. The solution is nonviolent action. The candlelight vigil that was held in Charlottesville, Virginia on Wednesday evening
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May 29, 2017
| Matthew King
| Politics & Society
I do not know a single soldier, intelligence official, diplomat, or public servant who has ever asked their fellow American soldiers, or colleagues, whether or not they are Democrat, Republican, or Independent before standing together in defense of the Constitution of the United States of America, or our shared values. Solemnity is present for anyone
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January 31, 2017
| Matthew King
| Op-Ed, Politics & Society
If you want to take action right now to resist our new president and the distorted economic system that perpetuates inequality, then move your money from a bank to a credit union. Why a credit union versus a bank? Read more here . . .
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January 28, 2017
| Matthew King
| Op-Ed, Politics & Society
The Donald Trump fueled Republican assault on ethics is a huge warning sign that Americans should be alert to rampant corruption during the Trump Administration’s reign. The attack on Walter M. Shaub Jr., Director of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is a frightening sign that the GOP and Trump threaten democratic governance and the
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January 22, 2017
| Matthew King
| Environment, Politics & Society
The Parties to the United Nations (U.N.) Convention on Biological Diversity met in Cancun, Mexico, for the most recent round of negotiations December 2 – 17, 2016. The Biodiversity Treaty seeks to protect and conserve the variety of life on Earth, or what governments, civil society organizations and academics refer to as biological diversity. While in Cancun during the 13th Convention
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January 13, 2017
| Matthew King
| Op-Ed, Politics & Society
We are quickly approaching the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Having grown up in a white working class neighborhood dominated by oil refineries, commercial freight trains, landfills and waste water treatment facilities in West Tulsa, Oklahoma, I know the mindset and feelings of the white working class who voted for Trump
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March 16, 2016
| Matthew King
| Op-Ed, Politics & Society
This morning President Obama announced his nominee for the vacant seat on the Supreme Court of the United States. I was asked the following question in relation to this topic yesterday. “Is diversity what we actually seek in a Supreme Court Justice, or is it knowledgeable interpretation of our nation’s Constitution?” Knowledgeable interpretation of our
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February 14, 2014
| Matthew King
| Environment, Op-Ed, Politics & Society
If evolution seems to have backed us into a corner when it comes to existential threats such as climate change, does it also offer a way out? The failure of traditional human governance institutions to come to grips with climate change—to perceive the threat, formulate a coherent and flexible response, and then enact it with
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