2024 Future of Capitalism panel discussion by invitation from the University of Tulsa’s Honors College, Tulsa, OK, October 11. with Dr. Bruno Theodosio (economist) and Dr. Daniel Walden (classicist), moderated by Dr. Jennifer Frey, Honors College Dean.
2024 Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, and the Future of Capitalism by invitation from the University of Tulsa’s Collins College of Business, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Honors College, JOLT, and the Oklahoma Center for the Humanities, Tulsa, OK, October 10.
2024 Re-imagining Capitalism: Culture, Power, and Democracy in a Changing World by invitation from the Environment & Natural Sciences Residential Academic Program, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, October 2.
2021 Political Catastrophe or the Next Stage of Capitalism by invitation from Porsche’s Super Group Think Tank, Porsche HQ, Atlanta, GA, August 3, 2021.
2020 Post-Conflict Peacbuilding through Natural Resource Management by invitation from the International Affairs Program, “Sustainability, Democracy, and Community Engagement”, University of Colorado, Boulder, April 21.
2014 Biodiversity Offsets as a Financing Mechanism for Protected Areas Management, Kinship Conservation Fellows, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, June 29.
2014 Organic? The Greenwashing of American Consumerism by invitation from the University of Tulsa, Earth Day Keynote Speaker, Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 21.
2013 Climate Change as a Long-Term Security Threat by invitation from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Armed Conflict and Conflict Management Program, Stockholm, Sweden, September 4.
2012 Sustainable Development: A Framework for Global Environmental Governance? by invitation from the Department of Geography, “Geographies of International Development”, University of Colorado, Boulder, November 6.
2011 Exploring International Career Opportunities and Internships by invitation from International Affairs Program (IAFS), University of Colorado, Boulder, April 1.
2011 Social Media, Environmental Movements, and the Future of Journalism by invitation from School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Colorado, Boulder, March 31.
2010 Coffee: The Social and Environmental Challenges of a Central American Commodity by invitation from the program: Developing Areas Research and Teaching (DART), University of Colorado, Boulder, April 7.
2010 From God and Oil into the Forest Distinguished Alumnus Lectureship in Politics and Law, Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Political Science, University of Tulsa, OK, March 3.
2010 Expeditions Abroad: Adventures in Undergraduate and Graduate Learning by invitation from the Center for Global Education, Law Colloquy, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 3.
2009 Developing Corporate Best Practices for Social and Environmental Responsibility by invitation from the Leeds School of Business (MBA Program), Department of Management, Topics in Sustainable Development, University of Colorado, Boulder, March 31.
2008 Discourses of Sustainable Development by invitation from the program: Developing Areas Research and Teaching (DART), University of Colorado, Boulder, November 7.
2008 Analyzing Environmental Conflicts by invitation from the University of Denver, Department of Geography Colloquium for Faculty, Graduate and Undergraduates, Denver, Colorado, October 23.
2008 Who Ate the Tropical Forests: the “yumminess” of discontent, Presentation by Invitation from the Center for the Study of Globalization, The George Washington University, Globalization Week Guest Lecturer, Washington D.C., March 25.
2007 Contested Neoliberal Economic Futures: southern Honduras 1973 – 2006, Presentation by Invitation from The George Washington University, Department of Geography, Washington D.C., November 28.
2006 The Blue Revolution 1970 – Present, Presentation by Invitation from the University of Cambridge, Ivory Tower Society, Cambridge, England, November 13.
2000 Systems Thinking and Ecological Literacy, Guest Lecturer by invitation from Shepherd University’s Institute for Environmental Studies (Special Topics: Communication Strategies for Environmental Studies), Shepherdstown, WV, February 29.
2016 17 Accelerator: Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals panel. PeaceTech Summit panel and Q&A by invitation from the United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C., February 4.
2016 Incubating and Accelerating the Development of Peacebuilding Programs and Technologies to Prevent Violent Conflict, PeaceTech Summit half-day workshop by invitation from the United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C., February 4.
2008 Institution Building for Environmental Security, Environmental Security Dialogues by invitation from the United States Southern Command and the United States Army War College, Miami, Florida, July 23.
2003 “Environmental Basis of Political Stability in the Gulf of Fonseca”, Environmental Security Conference sponsored by the United States Southern Command and the United States Army War College in cooperation with the Central American Commission for Environment and Development, Belize City, Belize, July.
2003 “Sea Grant International: Gulf of Fonseca and Coastal Ecuador”, National Sea Grant College Program: Sea Grant Week, Galveston, TX, May.
2002 US Delegate, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Central American System for Regional Integration-Central American Commission for Environment and Development (SICA-CCAD), Regional Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development, Belize City, Belize; March.
2014 Biodiversity Offsets as a Financing Mechanism for Protected Areas Management, World Parks Congress, Sydney, Australia, November 12 – 19.
2008 Multi-Stakeholder Decision-Making: What Can We Learn about Governance from Developing Countries? Session Discussant, by invitation from the Center for Conflict, Collaboration and Creative Governance (3CG), Reinventing Governance Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, October 8 – 10, 2008.
2008 Managing the Commons: Water, Wildlife, and Economy Session Facilitator, by invitation from the Center for Conflict, Collaboration and Creative Governance (3CG), Reinventing Governance Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, October 8 – 10, 2008.
2006 Session Convener and Chairman: Geographies of Environmental Conflict, Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, September 30, 2006 London, England
2006 “Knowledge, Power, and Politics in Environmental Conflict, southern Honduras 1973 – Present”, Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, England, September 30.
2006 “Emergence and Evolution of Environmental Conflict in the Gulf of Fonseca, southern Honduras 1973 – Present”, Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, March 11.
2004 Political Ecology of Mangroves in the Gulf of Fonseca, southern Honduras”, Royal Geographical Society Postgraduate Forum Conference, London, England, February 21.
2020 Good Morning Europe, Euronews, Lena Roche interview with Dr. Matthew King on “Why Humans Tend to Resist Change When Faced With Major Threats,” Lyon, France, July 24.
2020 Euronews-NBC Universal, Lena Roche interview with Dr. Matthew King on “The Role of Cognitive Biases and Action on Climate Change,” Lyon, France, April 22.
2014 Hamburger’s Stand, Robert Hamburger interview with Dr. Matthew Wilburn King, President, Futurity Foundation, Boulder, Colorado, March 6.
2014 KGNU 88.5 Radio Program Interview on Connections, Interviewed by Donna Kuntzler, http://www.kgnu.org/connections, Boulder, Colorado, February 21.
2007 The Price of Prawns, Joint Presentation and showing of the documentary with BBC Senior Producer for the Natural History Unit, Jeremy Bristow, by Invitation from the University of Cambridge, Ivory Tower Society, Pembroke College’s Old Library, Cambridge, England, February 8.
2006 ABC Affiliate 97.7 Radio Program Interview on Carlyle This Week: Good Morning Guatemala, Public Diplomacy invitation from the United States Embassy Guatemala and the United States Agency for International Development, “National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sea Grant International Efforts in Latin America and the Caribbean,” Guatemala City, Guatemala, August 11.
1997 University of Tulsa Television (TUTV): Broadcast Interview with Paulo – November.
1994 KOTV Channel 6 TV Interview on Six in the Morning – Interview w/ Anchor Rick Wells, November.
2024 Radical Evolution: Rethinking Capitalism for People and the Planet by invitation from Trident Booksellers, Boulder, CO, October 2.
2010 United We Draw – A fundraiser and lecture on teen suicide, Lecture by Invitation from the Alexander Dawson School, Lafayette, Colorado, October 19.
2008 Art and the Natural World – Exploring Andy Goldsworthy, Guest Lecture by Invitation from the Board of Directors, Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW) Board Lecture Series, June 21.
2004 Changing the Narrative: Environmental Ethics in Contemporary Society, Guest Speaker and Workshop Instructor by Invitation from the Washington Ethical Society, Washington DC, USA, March 28.