
Words have the power to change the world. As an author, my writing explores the intersections of society, the environment, and the human experience. Whether through fiction that challenges the imagination or non-fiction that inspires action, my work aims to provoke thought and empower readers.

As a storyteller, I have the privilege of contributing as a writer for highly regarded publications such as the BBC, Earth Island Journal, Mongabay, and others. Check out my articles, explore my blog, or visit my journalism profile on Muckrack.

Take a peek at some of the topics I’ve covered.


King, Matthew Wilburn (Forthcoming) Vanished: A Novel

King, Matthew Wilburn. (2009) Political Ecology of Mangroves in Southern Honduras: Emergence and Evolution of Environmental Conflict in the Gulf of Fonseca 1973 – 2006.

Book Chapters

King, Matthew Wilburn; et al. (2016) Environmental Governance and Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Central America: Lessons from the Central American Commission for Environment and Development. Series: Strengthening Post-Conflict Peacebuilding through Natural Resource Management, Volume 6: Governance and Institutions – Confidence Building (edited by Carl Bruch).
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Environmental Law Institute (ELI), University of Tokyo, and the Specialist Group on Armed Conflict and the Environment of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law. Earthscan Publishing.

King, Matthew Wilburn (2014) “Global Chorus: A 365-Person Anthology of Worldwide Concern and Enduring Hope”. Victoria, BC, Rocky Mountain Books.

Seyle, Conor; King, Matthew Wilburn; (2014) “Understanding Governance,” in Worldwatch Institute, State of the World 2014: Governing for Sustainability. Washington, DC, Island Press. pp. 20–28.

King, Matthew Wilburn (2014) “Can Networked Governance Help?” in Worldwatch Institute, State of the World 2014: Governing for Sustainability. Washington, DC, Island Press. pp. 36–37.

Refereed Journal Articles

Githiru, Mwangi; King, Matthew Wilburn et al.; (2014) “Should biodiversity offsets help finance underfunded Protected Areas?”, World Parks Congress, Sydney, Australia. Journal of Biological Conservation

Wilburn, Matthew, et al.; “Sea Grant in Latin America: Adapting the U.S. Sea Grant Model of Linked Applied Research, Extension, and Education to a Latin American Context – is there a fit?” Marine Policy Journal, May 2007, Volume 31 (3) Elsevier Publishing. 

Conference Proceedings

King, Wilburn Matthew (2003). Watershed Management. Civil-Security Forces Environmental Cooperation in Central America and the Caribbean Conference Report; pp. 20-23, Belize City, Belize, Center for Strategic Leadership, United States Army War College, Carlyle, Pennsylvania.

Select Technical Documents and Research Reports

King, Matthew Wilburn (2016). “A Strategic Approach to Corporate Engagement in Violent Conflict Zones in Honduras”; Cure Violence, Chicago, IL, January 28.

King, Matthew Wilburn (2015). “Strategic Market-Based Approaches to Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation”; Khalid bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, May 29

King, Matthew Wilburn (2015). “Impact Accelerators: Strategic Options for Development and Implementation”; Our COMMON Foundation, Boomtown, and University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, December 30.

King, Matthew Wilburn (2013). “Addressing Corruption in Development,” One Earth Future Foundation, Broomfield, CO, July 17.

King, Matthew Wilburn (2013). “Residential Fellowships Program Development,” One Earth Future Foundation, Broomfield, CO, June 13.

King, Matthew Wilburn (2013). “Food Security: will the global population run out of food?” One Earth Future Foundation, Broomfield, CO, February 20.

King, Matthew Wilburn (2013). “Solving the Globalization Paradox: toward an evolutionary theory of governance,” One Earth Future Foundation, Broomfield, CO, January 31.

King, Wilburn Matthew; Tobey, J; Hepp, J.; Olsen, S.B.; Costa-Pierce, B.; (2004) Sea Grant International: Final Report to the Department of State, Oceans Environmental and International Scientific Affairs Initiative Grant IAA#S-OES-03-IAA-001.  United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Office of International Activities in Collaboration with the University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center. July.

King, Wilburn Matthew; Tobey, J; Hepp, J.; Olsen, S.B.; Costa-Pierce, B.; (2004) A Network of Centers for the Governance of Coastal Ecosystems: The Establishment of Long-Term University-Based Marine and Coastal Resource Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean.  Government White Paper: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Office of International Activities in Collaboration with the University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center. March.

King, Wilburn Matthew; Tobey, J; Hepp, J.; Olsen, S.B.; Costa-Pierce, B.; (2004) An Assessment of the Sea Grant Program Model of Extension, Education, and Applied Research in the Marine and Coastal Environment, A Revision of International Experience and Opportunities: Background Paper #1 Government White Paper: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Office of International Activities in Collaboration with the University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center. March 2004.

King, Wilburn Matthew; Tobey, J; Hepp, J.; Olsen, S.B.; Costa-Pierce, B.; (2004) Integrating Education, Applied Research, and Extension; A Justification for Pilot Projects in the Gulf of Fonseca and Coastal Ecuador: Background Paper #2 Government White Paper: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Office of International Activities in Collaboration with the University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center. March.

Select News Media Publications

King, Matthew Wilburn (2021). “Why the next stage of capitalism is coming”; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC Future), London, UK, May 26. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210525-why-the-next-stage-of-capitalism-is-coming

King Matthew Wilburn (2020). “Ecuador’s Kichwa Implement Innovative Approach to Rainforest Conservation”; Mongabay: Global Forest Series, Menlo Park, CA, May 20. https://news.mongabay.com/2020/05/ecuadors-kichwa-implement-innovative-approach-to-rainforest-conservation/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2019). “How Brain Biases Prevent Climate Action”; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC Future), London, UK, March 8. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20190304-human-evolution-means-we-can-tackle-climate-change

King, Matthew Wilburn (2019). “Protect and Preserve Wonderland Lake Wildlife Sanctuary”; Daily Camera, Boulder, CO, February 21, 2019. https://www.dailycamera.com/2019/02/21/matthew-wilburn-king-protect-and-preserve-wonderland-lake/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2018). “Ditch racism – embrace Colorado’s economy and diversity”; Daily Camera, Boulder, CO, October 16. https://www.dailycamera.com/2018/10/16/matthew-wilburn-king-ditch-racism-embrace-colorados-economy-and-diversity/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2018). “United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity: What this Indigenous Mohawk Elder Wants Us to Know”; Elephant Journal, Boulder, CO, July 27. https://www.elephantjournal.com/2018/07/what-this-indigenous-mohawk-elder-wants-us-to-know/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2018). “Trump Administration Threatens US Environmental Security”; Earth Island Journal, San Francisco, CA, July 2. http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/articles/entry/trump_administration_threatens_us_environmental_security/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2018). “Eat this and Save the Caribbean’s Coral Reefs”; Elephant Journal, Boulder, CO, June 18. https://www.elephantjournal.com/2018/06/eat-this-save-the-caribbeans-coral-reefs/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2018). “Amsterdam? NYC? San Fran? It’s likely your Favorite Cities are More Vulnerable than Ever”; Elephant Journal, Boulder, CO, February 11. https://www.elephantjournal.com/2018/02/amsterdam-nyc-san-fran-its-likely-your-favorite-cities-are-more-vulnerable-than-ever/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2017). “Are you in the know on #NutellaGate? Nutella Fans are Losing It for the Wrong Reason.”; Elephant Journal, Boulder, CO, November 10. https://www.elephantjournal.com/2017/11/nutella-fans-go-nuts-for-the-wrong-reason-nutellagate/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2017). “This is why Environmental Problems Should be Blamed on Consumers”; Elephant Journal, Boulder, CO, September 6. https://www.elephantjournal.com/2017/09/this-is-why-environmental-problems-should-be-blamed-on-consumers/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2017). “Eight Ways to Ensure Biodiversity on Earth: Insights from the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity”; Elephant Journal, Boulder, CO, January 22. https://www.elephantjournal.com/2017/01/eight-ways-to-ensure-biodiversity-on-earth-insights-from-the-u-n-convention-on-biological-diversity/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2014). “Five Steps Toward an Ecological Worldview”; Elephant Journal, Boulder, CO, June 23. http://www.elephantjournal.com/2014/06/five-steps-toward-an-ecological-worldview-dr-matthew-w-king/

Bose, Bidyut, K.; King, Matthew Wilburn; Schware, Rob; (2014). “Yoga, Personal Transformation, and Global Sustainability”; Mantra Yoga + Health Magazine, June 6. http://mantramag.com/

King, Matthew Wilburn (2012). “McKibben Calls for Divestment in the Fossil Fuel Industry”; Elephant Journal, Boulder, CO, December 4. http://www.elephantjournal.com/2012/12/mckibben-calls-for-divestment-in-the-fossil-fuel-industry-dr-matthew-w-king/